Saturday, February 23, 2008

Should I Peg the Kid in the Head?

“I bet I can throw this apple at that tree over there.”

“Which tree?”

“The tree over there with the Super Fickle Pickle sitting beside it.”

“Over there? That’s not that far away! I bet I can also!”

“Let’s try! Whoever misses has to buy the other ice cream.”

“Okay one, two, three…”

And, this is one of the reasons why I hate little kids. They do stupid stuff like try and hit trees with apples and oranges. And do you know what always happens? They miss the tree. And, you know what else happens? They always manage to hit the Super Fickle Pickle. And, do they come over and apologize? No. Do they offer to buy the Super Fickle Pickle ice cream after pelting her in the head? No. But do you know what they always do? Run in the opposite direction. So this is why I hate little kids. And, this is the reason why I am investing in an apple and orange grove. To peg them in the head before they peg me.

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