Friday, January 25, 2008

The Child That Only a Mother Could Love

I was browsing the fiction section of a bookstore, deciding which book to purchase next. All I here is the sound of feet scurrying across the floor and fingers flipping the pages of books. All is calm.

Suddenly some bad ass kid starts screaming at the top of his lungs, disturbing the peace. In a fit of rage, the screaming kid tears through the store, yanking down every book and trinket at his level.

And then, I wondered, does the kid have parents or a guardian watching him or did a three year old drive himself to the bookstore. Suddenly some woman emerged from the parenting section carrying a book, flipped to chapter two of some random parenting manual, and said in a very calm voice “Sam, don’t do that. That’s a bad boy. Do you want me to take away your cookie privileges?"

What? Fool, he just destroyed an entire bookstore. Take a cookie and smash it into his head when you get home.

Now is the time when the whole bookstore would like you to drop the book and discipline your child. No one is expecting you to throw his ass into the Dr. Seuss books or anything but the least you could do is tell him, in a stern voice, to pick up the books.

Parent your children! We are all sick of your screaming three year olds social deviants, disturbing the peace. Discipline your children at home so when they come out in public, they know how to behave.

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