Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Random Requests from Strangers

It baffles me when random strangers approach me and ask questions like “could you watch my laptop and my purse full of money while I go to the bathroom?” Do I look like someone that should be trusted? One day I am going to respond “Absolutely! After all, if I had to go to the bathroom and was sitting next to a marginally employed, broke, twenty something year old with thousands of dollars in student loans, I would definitely trust them to watch my expensive belongings.” That makes sense.

I know it looks like butter could melt in my mouth but I could in fact be a thief. Imagine that! In the course of forty-five seconds, I could pack up all of your belongings and escape through the back entrance. I could then sell your computer and purse and use the cash to buy beer.

What ever happened to the days when people were actually distrusting of strangers? How hard is it to take your valuable belongings with you to the bathroom and just ask me to save your seat? After all, if you take your valuable belongings with you and I decided to instead steal the chair that you were sitting in, that wouldn’t really affect you financially would it? I’m not the brightest cookie in the jar but I know enough not to ask random folks to watch my stuff, and my stuff is crap.

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